
Submission Data Sent Right to Your Salesforce® CRM

Set up Salesforce® as a Destination for your mobile forms submissions and send data directly to your Salesforce® account. Create new leads during sales visits, add new contacts, or even update custom objects you have created specifically for your business. The possibilities are endless.

Choose any of the editable Salesforce® objects to map submission data and create new records within your account. Get full customization and control over the data you import from mobile forms to your Salesforce® account.

Authorize Your Account and Get Started

The Device Magic Salesforce® integration is easy to set up. From the Destinations section of your Device Magic account, just click to add a new Destination, select Salesforce® and complete the quick authorization process. You can then choose which objects you’d like to send your data submissions to. Check out our Help Center for more information on setting up the Device Magic Salesforce® destination.